Want to Quit Your Job and Turn Your Expertise Into a Consulting Career?

Coach Builder gives you an 8-step plan to become a self-employed business coach so you can make great money doing something you love every single day.

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Available March 12, 2024

From business expert and best-selling author, Donald Miller

Host of the top-rated business podcast

Founder of the Business Made Simple Coaching Certification Program


Do you want to work for yourself, work fewer hours, and bring in more money than you do in your current career… all while doing something you love?

You’ve probably thought about turning your business expertise into a consulting career, but haven’t had the confidence to go for it.

Why? Because the stakes feel too high at this point in your life.

But if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll be stuck climbing the corporate ladder for the rest of your life.

Donald Miller has helped hundreds of business professionals quit their job and start and grow a coaching business to 6 figures and beyond – and he can help you, too.

In Coach Builder, you’ll learn 8 steps to help you go from a burned-out business professional to a thriving business coach who helps others thrive, too.

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Coach Builder Book

Book Audio Summary

Love audiobooks? You’ll enjoy a free, 90-minute audio summary of the book! You’ll get immediate access so you can listen in your car and on the go.

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Coach Websites That Work PDF

27 Examples from Highly Successful Coaches and Consultants

Get access to 27 website examples of highly-successful coaches so you have something to go off of.

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Using Social Media to Grow Your Coaching Business

You don’t have to do silly dances or dumb videos to grow your business. You’ll learn a no-nonsense social media strategy that works.

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How to Sell Your Coaching Services

Worried about landing clients? This webinar will teach you how to confidently sell your services and land high-paying clients.

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5 Coaching Tactics Used By the Most Effective Business Coaches

What do you actually do in a coaching or consulting session? In this webinar, you’ll learn how to structure client sessions for optimal impact.

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How to Set Your 2024 Coaching Goals

Set your consulting business up for success in 2024 when you attend this hands-on, goal-setting webinar.

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How Donald Miller’s Strategies Have Helped Business Experts Launch Successful Consulting Careers

“2022 will be the most income I’ve ever had personally and it’s because of getting to start my own coaching business.”
— Pete Hixson

“My business has grown tremendously in the right ways. The revenue coming into my business in the last 11 months has doubled.”
– Stacey Ansley

“I’m now attracting the perfect customers for me. I just had someone say ‘I saw your website and knew instantly I HAD to hire you.’”
– Kelsey Hammer

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In Coach Builder, you’ll learn how to…

Create a menu of services you can sell to clients
Generate and manage a list of potential clients
Create a compelling website that attracts your ideal clients
Write and automate sales emails that land clients while you sleep
Create a marketing funnel and product ladder
Set realistic goals and accomplish those goals
Build or join a coaching community to help you grow
Navigate the nuances of the client/coach relationship

Burned Out and Bored With Your Current Career?

COVID-19 may have been the first time you realized your career wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it was. When the pandemic hit, things finally slowed down enough for you to think and reflect.

You took a breather from the corporate rat race… and you liked it.

And now?

Your company is getting back to “normal” and the rat race is back on – but it’s lost its appeal. Somehow, you feel both bored and burned out in your job. You want something more – more time for family and home life, more fulfillment, and more financial opportunity.

But you love business and still want to use the skills you’ve learned over the years. So you’ve considered starting a consulting business – but the stakes feel too high to completely switch gears at this point.

But what if you had a proven plan you could follow to start your own consulting business?

Donald Miller has trained hundreds of business professionals like you to start and grow a coaching business – and many of them are making 6 and 7 figures a year.

He’s sharing all the secrets to building a successful consulting business in Coach Builder.

You’ll learn how to find clients, how to create a compelling website, how to create a menu of services, and so much more.

Don’t settle for a career that isn’t working for you anymore – pre-order Coach Builder today and build a career (and life) you love.

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Meet the Author

Donald Miller has been consulting and coaching for over two decades. He’s consulted some of the world’s top brands including TOMS Shoes, TREK Bicycles, and Tempur Sealy. In 2020, he founded the Business Made Simple Certified Coaching Program, where he’s helped hundreds of coaches start and grow their business. As a coach of coaches, he knows exactly what it takes to build a successful consulting career – and now he’s sharing eight secrets of success in his new book, Coach Builder.

Donald Miller is also the author of several best-selling business books including How to Grow Your Small Business, Building a StoryBrand, and Business Made Simple. His business-building frameworks have been used by consultants, coaches, marketers, business owners, and top brands from all over the world.

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