How to Price Your Coaching Services

Work smarter, not harder, and generate more revenue per client

If you undervalue your services and expertise, you’re not making as much money as you should be.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

Recommended pricing and service offerings for coaches
4 key factors to help you establish your prices
5 crucial questions to ask before creating a coaching package
The secret to selling more services and “upgrades” to your clients

Your coaching business needs to make money to survive. Our pricing guide shows you how to structure and price your offers so you can thrive as a coach.

Get the Guide

How to use this pricing guide:

  1. 1 Download the PDF
  2. 2 Create a menu of services you can sell to clients
  3. 3 Watch your coaching business grow and thrive

Learn from the Coach of Coaches: Donald Miller

Donald Miller has been consulting and coaching for over 20 years. He’s consulted some of the world’s top brands. In 2020, he launched the Business Made Simple Certified Coaching Program, where he’s helped hundreds of coaches start and grow their business.

As a coach of coaches, he knows exactly what it takes to build a profitable consulting career – and he’s sharing his pricing strategies in The Pricing Guide for Coaches.

Donald Miller is also the author of several best-selling books like Coach Builder, Building a StoryBrand, and How to Grow Your Small Business.

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